Thinking and Working Smarter, how to make your time matter (putting more time in your day)

By: Elmo Kandel

It can be hard to deal with the day, but you will find that there are things that you can do to make time and add some more time to your day. You don't have to wake up early in the day or give up any time to sleep. When you add time in your day you are going to find that there are going to need to learn how to manage your time wisely.

When it comes to adding more time in your day you are going to have to learn how to manage you time wisely. First, you will find that if you take the time to prioritize your day you'll be able to make the most out of your time and seem like you are adding hours to the day. For those who seem to have tons of things that need to be done, you'll want to set a time limit. You will want to set a time limit to the things that you have to do so that you can squeeze more things in your time. If you take too long doing one thing, you'll be able to quickly make up that time by taking it away from something else. You need to learn how to make good time management so that you can make the most of your day.

Not only should you take the time to do some time management, but you should also think about setting some time aside each night to think about your day. You'll want to make sure that you make a to-do list to help you keep everything organized and so that you use the time to get ready for the next day. You'll want to place all of your books and work papers next to the door so that you can just grab them and go. You will also want to prepare for the next day by taking the time to make your lunch or other preparations. When you do this you aren't going to waste your time doing things that you could have knocked out before you went to bed. They may be little things, but you will find that you can make the most out of your day by starting out right.

Other than preparing for the next day, you may also want to add more time to your day by doing the things that really matter. This way you can make the most out of the time that you have. You don't want to end up regretting anything. You will want to think about the things that you have to do at work and things that you have to do to maintain your relationships. When you do this you'll be able to prioritize your time and also you'll be able to feel a lot better about your day.

You will want to make sure that you don't look at your day in hours, you will want to look at your day as time that you have to do everything that you need to do. You'll find that if you take the time to make your hours filled with fun and meaningful things then you'll be able to stretch your time. You can't just go through out the day during everything that you have to, without doing anything that you want to. You have to learn how to balance the two out so that you can make the most out of your time.

It is important that you find out what it is that makes you happy and then pursue it. When you do this you'll be able to focus on your happiness and that is the whole point of living.

Elmo Kandel is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit -

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