Sales Coaching: Get a Selling Attitude

By: Cheryl A. Clausen

Don't confuse a positive attitude with a selling attitude if you want to improve your sales techniques. You can have the most positive attitude of anyone in your field and absolutely stink when it comes to results. Don't try to talk yourself into a positive attitude get a positive attitude.

A properly developed selling attitude produces a positive attitude. Attitudes are habits of thought that surface through your behaviors. Your selling attitudes lead to the actions you take and the results you get, good or bad. When you aren't getting the results you want take a look at your attitudes and habits. A selling attitude demands an attitude of persistence and determination. Wherever you are on your journey to sales success you have to persistently do what you need to do to become a top professional. You must have the determination it takes to keep trying until you develop the approach that works for you.

If you want to be better than you are today you'll need to be persistent and determined to identify your opportunities to develop the skills you have within you to grow and develop into the top producer you want to become.

Focus on providing superior quality. Start each day with the intention of performing your best. Quality can only come as a result of focus and attention to detail. To provide your highest quality work you'll need to be fully aware of yourself and your prospects at all times, and focused on the needs of those prospects. The quality of your work and your value increases with your understanding of your prospects. Top producers focus on developing the attitudes, habits, and skills required to be the best.

What can you do that will increase your value to your customers? You demonstrate that by being willing to do more than you're paid to do. This willingness to do more is a direct demonstration of your selling attitude and it builds and expands the relationships you have with your customers. Your customers experience your selling attitude through the quality of the work you do, through the service you provide, the level of understanding you have about their needs, and your commitment to your own growth and development.

If your aren't willing to do more than what's expected of you, you can't expect to obtain more than average results. Only when your attitude drives you to do more than your paid to do will get superior results.

Use your selling attitude to be pleasant in spite of others unpleasant attitudes. Your pleasant attitude is one of the quickest and most effective ways to diffuse an unpleasant attitude. You're surrounded by people and circumstances that you can't control everyday, buy you can always elect to control your own attitudes. Use your pleasant selling attitudes to establish rapport so you get the chance to use your selling skills and earn a customer.

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Author: Cheryl A. Clausen can help you get where you want to be. Use top Sales Techniques get her free ecourse. Use top Sales Coaching check this out.

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