How to Activate Your Affluence

By: Kenrick Cleveland..

My belief is that we create our own destiny. The lives we have are the lives we have made for ourselves--good or bad.

My students in MAXpersuasion are either living the good life or on their way to it because as we expand our universes we get exactly what we want out of life.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about affluence. From the principles of affluence, to the thoughts, to action, to the realization.

If you really want to realize your dreams, and I assume you do, then installing an affluent mindset and affluent thought processes will help you on this path. These are strategies of the world's wealthiest people.

Why is Bill Gates wealthier than you?

It's really more than a mindset. I'm talking about foundational principles, wealth strategies. It's about programming ourselves and teaching ourselves at the level of our other-than-conscious mind.

At your core, you may already have a very good sense of who you are and what you want. By understanding your core values and your own criteria for any given context, you provide yourself with what it takes to succeed.

My father was great at teaching life lessons and one that he taught me very young was that if I loved what I did in life, I'd never work a day.

This advice has probably been passed down for many, many generations, and I have most certainly given special consideration to it and have found it benefits me each and every day.

If we were to follow some of the wealthiest people in the world for a day, a day in the life, so to speak, we might feel like they were working from the time they woke up until the time they slept. It might be downright exhausting to do this, to try to keep up.

The reason for this is that their dreams are not our dreams.

If they had to follow you around for a day - and you were lit on fire in terms of manifesting your universes, experiencing your criteria and values for wealth generation and success in your life - I'll tell you, they would probably feel tired too.

In order to really understand who you are and what you want, you need absolute clarity. The clearer your image is of what you want, the clearer your desires and wishes and ideals are, the quicker you'll receive exactly that.

With the assistance of clarity, you can step into the mindset of millionaires and billionaires and create the same results.

My early training in neuro linguistic programming had a saying, "If it's possible in the world, it's possible for me. It's only a matter of how."

And of course there was always the smart aleck in the room that had to challenge the trainer and say, "Are you telling me that a paraplegic has the same ability as an Olympic athlete?" No, that's not what's being said here.

What's being said is that if it's possible for other humans of roughly the same capability that you have, it's possible for you. Meaning, there's nothing inherently better about Bill Gates than you, yet I guarantee he's wealthier than you or me, at least today.

Why? Maybe it's luck. Sure. It could be. It could be he was in the right place at the right time.

Right place, right time, isn't quite enough. I love to say, "I'm a great believer in luck. And I find the harder I work, the more of it I have."

Where inspiration and perspiration meet, that's where magic happens.

However, you can't have one side without the other. It's not enough to have the inspiration (the thoughts) without the perspiration (the work, the action, the doing).

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Information about the Author:

Kenrick Cleveland teaches techniques to earn the business of wealthy prospects using persuasion. He runs public and private seminars and offers home study courses and coaching programs in persuasion techniques.

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