Understanding Central Heating Systems Floor Mounted

In the current climate with rising energy costs and increased demand it is essential that you understand wherever possible the options that you have available to you at all times in relation to your choice of Central Heating Systems.. In this article I hope to be able to shed some light and a bit of background information on a couple of options if you decide that you want to go down the route of floor mounted systems. There are two regular types of central heating system installation styles; you could either choose to place the main boiler unit on the wall, usually in a kitchen or perhaps a small outer room or cupboard of a house or apartment.

The other type of boiler installation is floor mounted, if you have sufficient space in perhaps some kind of exterior alcove or small outer room of the house this may be appropriate.

Let us take a look at Ground installed boilers.

The more bulky ground mounted boilers are usually more powerful and tend to have a higher output than the wall mounted boilers. Their weight is often around 150 kg and they can occupy an area of about 100 x 60 x 60 cm. Generally installed in the cellar or in an outer annex, floor mounted boilers are highly suitable for heating installations for the entire house.

The power output will be between 23 and 90 kW.

Having taken a look at Ground installed Boilers then let us take a look at Condensing Boilers

These boilers are considered as the most effective, recovering additional heat from water vapour after combustion. Instead of being exhausted whilst still at a temperature of between 110 and 250 C, the fumes from condensing boilers are cooled to a minimum, the heat being used within the system. The gain may go up 15% compared to none condensing boilers.

The principle of low temperature condensation has been implemented in the most current condensing boilers, to further improve their performance.

They are particularly suited to under-floor heating or simple heating radiators. Condensing central heating boilers have a broad power range from 8 to 65 kW or more.

As I mentioned it is vitally important that you understand exactly what options you have in front of you. Your choice of which system you want to install can have a major impact on your household bills and it is perfectly reasonable to take a view that in todays economic climate that it is essential to try and achieve economies wherever possible.

It is not possible to avoid central heating bills so it is perfectly reasonable to take as much care and planning into what system you choose. A responsible supplier will be only too happy to advise with regards to which tariff you are eligible for and contrary to public perception a conscientious and responsible supplier will realise that a happy customer is going to stay with them for along time and as such everyone wins.

About the Author:
Stephen Morgan writes regularly on such matters and more can be found on Understanding Central Heating Systems - Floor mounted and at www.energychoices.co.uk which is a site that is dedicate to consumer advice to help individuals and business’s come to informed decisions that make sure they are getting the best possible deal from providers of energy.

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