Jenny Craig – How Does Her Diet Work?

By: Sarah Bais

Many people have tried the Jenny Craig diet. This diet consists of getting a meal plan from their offices where their consultants work. They usually ask you a series of questions and then they make for you a calorie plan. They establish what amount of food you should eat every day so you can lose weight. They also make up for you a menu that you must put on your refrigerator and follow it. You must buy the foods from the menu also from Jenny Craig’s offices. Once a week, you get to see your consultant that weighs you and sells you more food.

What kind of foods are used?

Mainly, the Jenny Craig diet food contains proteins, carbohydrates and fats. But there is a certain combination of them in the menu, as the protein amount is higher against lower amounts of fats and carbohydrates. Vegetables are great for the diet, because they are rich in nutrients and water, but they have fewer calories. The foods are quite delicious and they must be consumed five or six times a day.

How much does it cost?

As many good things, the Jenny Craig diet comes with a cost. The original plan costs 36 dollars for six weeks, but there are variation in the price according to the meal plan you are trying. When you follow the Jenny Craig diet, you buy your food for the entire week from them and prices are a little steep. You can get to 125 dollars a week.

How do you get help?

The weekly consultations are a great help for those trying to lose weight. Many people appreciate this as it is important to have support when you try something like this. You can see your evolution from week to week and you can get strongly motivated to continue. They also have a private discussion board where you can talk to the others about your experiences.

The results people claim to have when following the Jenny Craig diet are pretty good. Of course, the fact that it is a little too costly is a drawback when you want to try such a diet. Also, you may not want to hold back from the idea that the companies offering such products as organized diets make a lot of money from people suffering from obesity. If it is worthy to give it a try and make some expenses, though, the Jenny Craig diet is a good product.

Sarah Bais is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit -

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