Time Management Tips: Are You a Time Management Strategy Victim?

By: Cheryl A. Clausen

Do you find yourself complaining that you never have enough time? Are other people and things keeping you from getting things done? Perhaps you are a time management strategy victim. Perhaps your own negativity and passiveness are the real source of your time management issues. Blaming others and responding to every distraction or crisis that hits your radar screen are the easy things to do. But when you choose to respond that way you're allowing other people and other things to control your time and your destiny. You're allowing hap-in-stance to determine how you will invest your time, and keeping yourself from the achievements that would make you successful. The only way to stop being a victim is to take control of your time by taking responsibility for how you will use your time at every moment of every day.

If you don't have a plan for what you want and what you need to get that you can't develop good time management skills. Establish a clear direction for want you want and how to get there. Make your decisions each day based on the alignment of your decision with your overall plans. Time management skills help you to better use your most important resource, your time.

You can only focus on one activity at a time. When you try to multi-task you can't really because your brain has to switch back and forth between the tasks. Consequently, neither task gets the attention needed to do it well. It's better to focus on one action at a time. Time is an investment. You choose how you will or won't use this non-renewable resource every moment. You can't ever get your time back so when you don't get the most value from your time you've blown it. When you miss an opportunity sometimes there isn't a second chance. Track and measure your outcomes you so stay focused on what you're trying to achieve. To be successful you have to know that you're doing the right things at the right time each day. Identify your opportunities to develop new time management skills that will serve you better than your current behaviors.

Article Source: http://www.articleyard.com

Information about the Author:

Author: Cheryl A. Clausen can help you get unstuck. To find Time Management Tips get her free analysis. Improve your Time Management Skills, check this out.

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