Ignatius Piazza Demands Training For Teachers

By: Jayden Adams

Ignatius Piazza is the founder and director of the nation's largest, most successful firearms training facility, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute. Front Sight is more than just a great place to learn safe, effective firearm use: it’s the best! Front Sight trains more students in firearm use than all other major shooting schools in the nation combined. After little more than a decade in business, Front Sight's student return rate is the best in the industry, leaving many other schools - which have been around for decades - in the dust.

Dr. Ignatius Piazza has been looking for the solution to school shootings for years, since the very first incident rocked the nation so many years ago. Shortly after the Colorado shootings, Piazza announced his solution: the teachers. Dr. Ignatius Piazza is of the opinion that teachers in high schools (and colleges) are the people who should be able to detect the signs of a potential shooter, as far as weeks in advance. He also feels that teachers are the ones who would be able to tell on the day of such an incident. Professionals, police investigators and mental analysts the nation over agree with him: teachers are all but the first, last and only reliable people who can accurately see warning signs.

According to Dr. Ignatius Piazza, to recognize that fact and then leave the teachers with nothing to prevent or stop something should it progress that far is absolutely ridiculous. He feels, and many across the nation are finally beginning to agree with him, that training and arming the teachers is the solution to school shootings. Kids find teachers daunting enough, add to that the fact that any teacher might be carrying a gun and be fully trained in its use and you'll have kids who wouldn't dream of drawing a gun on their class (much less forget to do their math homework).

Law enforcement officials, crime scene investigators and even F.B.I. investigators have all said that having a fully trained, competent gun user on the scene of any of the school shootings would have drastically reduced the body count, if not foregone the deaths altogether and brought the situation to a mere standoff. Dr. Ignatius Piazza has started a fire, and it's not liable to go away any time soon.

As a way of adding fuel to that fire, Dr. Ignatius Piazza has come up with a fast-track method of getting his idea into the mainstream even faster: offer training for free. Dr. Ignatius Piazza has announced numerous times that he will foot the bill for any 3 teachers from any and all school districts in America to receive defensive handgun training at Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.

All Dr. Piazza asks is that the teacher get a letter, signed by that district's official, approving the teacher as a safety official for the district. After that, the teacher need only get himself to the Nevada training ground which is Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, the rest Front Sight will handle. The teacher will be fully trained and certified as a safe, competent gun user, fully able to safeguard and protect the lives of those students they devote their lives to teach.

Article Source: http://www.articleyard.com

Information about the Author:

More info about Dr. Ignatius Piazza and Front Sight Gun Training can be found at this Ignatius Piazza Article in National Enquirer or at Front Sight's Gun Training.

Article Submission by Article-Feed.

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